Events for your property or development

Looking for a fun activity for your building? Opening a property and want to familiarize potential tenants, clients, etc with the neighborhood? Consider booking a food tour.

Our custom tour program is tailor-made for property managers and developers. The three rules of real estate are location, location, location, and we help amplify this by:

  1. Giving your current tenants a reason to stay by planning trips to different neighborhoods

  2. Creating custom food tours so prospective clients can experience all the area has to offer

  3. Providing your guests with a great experience that leads them to tell their friends, giving you exponential word of mouth and earned media advertising

Food tours are a great way to build business connections and advertise specific locations. We work with most of the major food halls in the city and are trusted by brands such as Google, Spotify, Meta, and more to build connections between their business prospects and partners.

To get more information on our program for property developers and managers, please fill out the form below. We’re looking forward to chatting with you!